social sharing quickies

Introducing Google Chrome as one internet browser interface for social sharing quickies.  Just turn on the computer and log into the browser.  From there go to the platforms you want to open.

How to help the browser help you to share items of interest.

Using Google Chrome as an example.  Have you checked out the extensions through Google Chrome? chrome://extensions/

These are applications that many places now have.  The extension is added to the horizontal bar- left hand side. Open up Facebook through the extension. Hit the apps picture.  Make sure the picture is enabled. Enabled means the app is now connected and working.

To see this working for yourself open up a chosen three or four apps.  Bring up ""  now go to the first app on the top of your page.  Share the page simply by pushing the extensions displayed app. And share again somewhere else with another app.

For best results write a couple of sentences describing what social worth you yourself have received.  Move to the next app along and share again.

Easy social sharing quickies used

What I do for social sharing is prewrite out a message [ or ten] on the computers notepad [ a very basic Windows DoS file] and copy and paste from that perspective.  Thinking of new keyword phrases and adding them to the original copy made or a new version.  This way I have a record.  Makes life easier as well if filed and findable.  Remembering that everything created has many uses..... so these native and raw social commenting versions  may just make the basis of a post later on.

Noted the social sharing quickies app needs you to log in today.

Have to many apps here at once and whenever the computer browser is operating the automatic " is the browser working " pings will tend to slow the system down.  Simply head to the browser extension and disable the extension not required right now.  A click of the button does this job simply and easily.  No mess. No fuss.  And terrifically simple to use.

Wrapping up the social sharing quickies with

Enjoying what's presented is an obligation from us to you.  Something that surviving in today's world is all about.

To be given a clear vision of what it takes to be surviving in today's world has been a double edged sword. Bringing this clear vision to you opens people up to be able to make more than a 'passing' impression.

Welcome to our world where the future is something that everyone of us has to the best of our ability and our inclusion of personal faith within our journey.

Thank you for being who you are.  Inner Peace be with you.


Susan Lewis


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