
Showing posts from January, 2011

Is online success guaranteed?

Angela Giles wrote an email to me asking  if I really had the confidence in myself to actually succeed with obtaining a successful business online.... was I more confident than others. "Everyone has doubts that they can achieve some goal or another. ...I know that you too can be successful. Just believe in yourself and keep on keeping on!" I liked this email and yet...  Well here I am wondering about this email.  The light went on.  Doubts sometimes come in where a void has been created.  A very successful marketing tool is to create ['acceptable doubts".  Those doubts that are camouflaged and a helping hand. In answer to the question Yes I know that with guidance the "relearning to learn'" focus of the blogs are achieving success.  Slow it is, steady it goes. But building step by step.  learn one thing put this thing into practice as other steps are being investigated.  Include others in the wide scope of what needs to be do

Why get counselling

I wrote to a friend about his beginning counselling sessions. Then I noticed things about myself coming through, so here's what I wrote. Things are touchy with counselling. Sometimes it goes back deeper in our past than we all think. For me the result is that I can now go back pre accident, pre separation of parents, and even back to my birth time when I was considered not 'normal' and whacked in physical restraints. In those days the male head of the family had to be told first of the deformity before the mother could be told if the child had lived or died. Thankfully my mum had nursed in that hospital [ friends smuggled me in when the doctors were not there - and rushed me out when they turned up unexpecidly] Knowing me I was probably tossed quickly in laundry containers and smuggled out under their noses!] Pre accident and just after arrival in Canberra I attended a rebirth program. So with this counselling all I had to do was tap into that state. Wow I had lost

Ducks... I don't believe it.

Travelling down a tree lined road there was a small flock of wild ducks.  To the right a public town planned pond that the ducks know they are safe from hunters within.  On the left there is a public park and a high school. And then I stopped.  A duck had steped out onto the road and was travelling along across the pedestrian crossing. From the left to the right straight across the crossing like a well behaved pedestrian. Once the duck had crossed I fround myself travelling along the road again.  In wonder I kept going.  Why had I stopped?  Besides the Girl Guide Law which state " A guide must be kind to animals and respect all living thigs" the must have been some other inground directive drummed into my unconsciousness to back up this Guide Law that reiforced mthe decission to stop and let the pedestrians cross... even if they are a duck!! Laughting I realised how weird this scinerio would be if ever the picture was 'put' onto canvas. Encouraged to be writte