
Showing posts from December, 2009

What goes round comes around

Is this not true? Seen it so many times.  Only things is that sometimes it means waiting years. Computers were just released to the public when I was 13.  [Yeah a long time ago.] When I was 21 my husband and I started a business.  Hard copy paper work.  Thought nothing of this as I was normal then. The we closed down business, had no 1 child, shifted around,  moved countries even. Started another business while we were both working.  Multilevel this time.  Paper work. Always paper work.  Had difficulty with communication systems. As I worked casual on call, he worked main job, then another one, and tried further education as well. Sleep was a priority.  I went  to market and saw an opening Began selling Balloons of all things.  Had a ball.  Made cash. Turned it into a business.  Liked the environment.  Took no 1 child so husband could get sleep. Ended up with one employee.  She was terrific. Then a baby sitter whilst on market stall. No 2 child arrived. Now I had no 2 child