Ducks... I don't believe it.

Travelling down a tree lined road there was a small flock of wild ducks.  To the right a public town planned pond that the ducks know they are safe from hunters within.  On the left there is a public park and a high school.

And then I stopped.  A duck had steped out onto the road and was travelling along across the pedestrian crossing. From the left to the right straight across the crossing like a well behaved pedestrian.

Once the duck had crossed I fround myself travelling along the road again.  In wonder I kept going.  Why had I stopped?  Besides the Girl Guide Law which state " A guide must be kind to animals and respect all living thigs" the must have been some other inground directive drummed into my unconsciousness to back up this Guide Law that reiforced mthe decission to stop and let the pedestrians cross... even if they are a duck!! Laughting I realised how weird this scinerio would be if ever the picture was 'put' onto canvas.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me


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